Idaho’s Pro-Logger Program: A Credential for Idaho Loggers
Logger Credentials
Idaho’s professionally credentialed loggers are among the world’s foremost forest management professionals. There is a difference between these highly trained and credentialed loggers and someone who simply cuts trees. That is why Idaho’s “Pro-Loggers” have developed and continually improve a program to identify and credential professional loggers.
Idaho’s Pro-Logger Program
The Idaho Pro-Logger Program (IPL) is a logger training program designed for the professional timber harvester. It was established in 1998 to meet the educational needs of Idaho logging contractors, loggers, forest owners, and forest products companies. Secondarily the program seeks to meet the requirements of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Standard and other forest land certification programs.
The Idaho Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) State Implementation Committee has designated the IPL as the official logger training program for Idaho. Idaho companies that are certified with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) also recognize the IPL as the logger training program required for their operations.
The Idaho Pro-Logger Program© is owned and operated by the Associated Logging Contractors of Idaho (ALC). The ALC has two committees to provide oversight and guidance of the IPL:
1.) The Idaho Pro-Logger Sub-Committee whose members are ALC member logging contractors in good standing.
2.) The Idaho Pro-Logger Advisory Committee which consists of logging contractors, forest land owners, representatives of forest products companies and large forest land owners, foresters, the University of Idaho Extension Forestry Department, the University of Idaho College of Natural Resources, the Idaho Department of Lands, advisors from the Idaho State Logging Safety Program, and the safety staff and staff from the ALC.
These committees meet regularly to monitor and guide the program and make recommendations to the ALC Board of Directors for program governance. All final decisions on the governance and operation of the IPL rest with the ALC Board of Directors.
For more information download the 2023 Idaho Pro-Logger Program Guidelines or on contact the ALC: 208-667-6473. Additional information is available in the Sustainable Forestry Practices for Landowners in Idaho brochure.
Professional logging companies that wish to participate in Idaho’s Pro-Logger program must submit a completed application form to the ALC. The ALC keeps records of firms and individuals enrolled in the program, and furnishes related information to loggers, forest product companies, forest owners, and others upon request. Loggers are also encouraged to maintain their own records of education sessions they have attended.
Locating Continuing Education Classes
The ALC will have a list of conferences, safety meetings, forestry workshops, and other training opportunities offered by Universities, the Idaho Logging Safety program, logging associations, and other groups that are eligible for Idaho Pro-Logger continuing education credits.
Neighboring State Programs
Washington, Montana, and Oregon have similar “pro-logger” or “accredited logger” programs in place. Reciprocity varies from state to state. Ultimately, the forest product companies and forest owners you work with decide whether they recognize a given state’s program. For the most part, credits from continuing education classes taken in other states will meet Idaho Pro-logger continuing education requirements.
For more information on the program, contact the Associated Logging Contractors of Idaho at (208) 667-6473.
Idaho Pro-Logger ResourcesIf you are a Logging Contractor looking for additional information on the specifics of the Idaho Pro-Logger Program, “click here” to go to the Associated Logging Contractors website.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)® and SFI® are service marks of SFI, Inc.